#AskBlockone: A Response to Your Technical Questions About the Registration Process and Related Technical Support

A lot of people have been submitting queries about the registration process and related technical support. We appreciate this topic is important, so we have decided to give a response via #AskBlockone.
For compliance reasons, support on issues relating to the EOS Token distribution, including technical questions about the EOS smart contract, is only available to eligible participants. This is largely why we have not disseminated extensive official guidance in the public sphere. Instead, we ask that you contact our Support team directly, both to confirm your eligibility and to get support.
To contact Support, please send us an email at [email protected] clearly stating your question. Be sure to include a detailed description of any problems, along with transaction hashes and addresses. In the body of your email, please also confirm that:
1. You have read the EOS Token Distribution Purchase Agreement
2. You are NOT a U.S. citizen, resident, or entity
3. You are NOT a citizen of or resident of the People’s Republic of China or an entity formed under the laws of the People’s Republic of China (each a “Chinese Person”) UNLESS you have purchased EOS tokens prior to the September 4, 2017 revision of the Purchase Agreement
Our Support team is standing by 24/7 to help troubleshoot your issues and questions. Answers to some of the most common questions about EOS and EOSIO can also be found on the FAQ section of the EOSIO website.
Important Note: All material is provided subject to this important notice and you must familiarize yourself with its terms. The notice contains important information, limitations, and restrictions relating to our software, publications, trademarks, third-party resources and forward-looking statements. By accessing any of our material, you accept and agree to the terms of the notice.